Home / MP3 Messages and Sound Files / MP3 Messages For Retail Environments / MP3M067 - Welcome to our cafe, please wait to be seated.

Welcome to our cafe, please wait to be seated.

Welcome to our cafe, please wait to be seated.

Above is the message contained in this file option, try a sample by selecting your preferred artist and pressing the green play button below>>

from £7.50
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Please note that there is a background beep in the sample file which is not found in the version for sale.

Voice Artists*
AI Angela - English (GBP 7.50 Exc VAT)
AI Britney - American (GBP 7.50 Exc VAT)
AI Charles - English (GBP 7.50 Exc VAT)
AI David - English (GBP 7.50 Exc VAT)
AI Ed - American (GBP 7.50 Exc VAT)
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